Effective: June 01, 2021

Welcome to our Website www.legaligence.com. Your use of this Website, including the content, materials and information available on or through this Website (together, the “Materials”), is governed by these Terms of Use (these “Terms”). By using this Website, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to these Terms.

Our firm, Legaligence Strategic Consulting LLP, is a Strategic Risk Advisory and Management company. This Website is maintained and operated by Legaligence Strategic Consulting LLP. In accordance with industry custom, this Website occasionally uses terminology that may be interpreted to suggest that our firm is actually a single entity. However, there is no such single entity and all of the entities that comprise our firm have their own separate legal existence.
Except for certain Materials provided through a password protected area on this Website (see below), ALL MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS," MAY NOT BE RELIED UPON FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND ARE NOT SUBJECT TO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. In particular, except to the extent that Materials provided through a password protected area on this Website are subject to different rules, we make no representations or warranties with regard to the Materials’ accuracy, completeness, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose. You should be aware that a significant portion of the Materials include or consist of information that has been provided by third parties and has not been validated or verified by us. Please ensure that your own computer security is comprehensive and up to date. We accept no responsibility for viruses, malware or other malicious or damaging software contained in the Materials or otherwise.
We accept no responsibility for third-party sites available through this Website, via hyperlink or otherwise. You are encouraged to review the terms of use applicable to those sites. Any access to, or use of, a third-party site is solely at your own risk. Password Protected Areas Certain Materials may be made available through a password protected area on this Website. Each password is intended to be confidential and used only by the individual or entity to whom it is issued. Do not disclose your password to any unauthorized person. If you access Materials through a password protected area, please note that the written agreements between you and the applicable Legaligence entities, as well as any provisions set forth in those Materials, govern the parties’ respective rights and obligations with regard to those Materials. In particular, Materials provided through a password protected area generally are confidential and subject to limitations on disclosure and use, and Legaligence individuals and entities generally have limited liability with respect to the accuracy and completeness of such Materials.
Except to the extent expressly set forth in Materials provided through a password protected area on this Website, or as otherwise specified by a Legaligence entity in writing, nothing on this Website is intended to constitute (i) an offer, or solicitation of an offer, to purchase or sell any security, other asset or service, or (ii) risk management advice or an offer to provide such advice. , Except as expressly stated by a Legaligence entity in writing, neither this Website nor any of the Materials make any effort to present a comprehensive or balanced description of Legaligence or its consulting activities.
We reserve all rights with respect to the design and content of this Website. In particular, you must not misappropriate the design or content of this Website and you must not alter or deface such design or content in any way. Nothing on this Website grants any license with respect to such design or content, except that you may download and use Materials solely for your own personal information.
All trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, graphics, articles and other Materials on this Website are protected by United States and foreign copyright, trademark and other applicable laws. In particular, all trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos displayed on this Website are proprietary to Legaligence, its affiliates or their respective third-party owners and this Website grants no license thereto. Copyright/Trademark Information. Copyright ©2021 Legaligence Strategic Consulting LLP. All rights reserved.