Industry – Information Technology – Reverse Due Diligence

  • April 23, 2021
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Reverse Due Diligence ( Information Technology ) A medium scale software product company was preparing itself for a sale of a large company in the same sector and wanted to determine its readiness before being presented to prospective buyers. Legeligence performed a financial, operational and commercial due diligence of

Industry – Food Products – Competitive Intelligence (CI)

  • April 23, 2021
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Competitive Intelligence ( Food Products ) Food industry is very competitive – from a perspective of market share as well as pricing. Especially for growth stage companies, for their successful survival in this market place, it is extremely important to understand the competitive landscape precisely. The CI has to

Industry – Information Technology – New Market Intelligence

  • April 23, 2021
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New Market Intelligence ( Cyber Security ) Market Intelligence and Market Risk Intelligence are critical to make such strategic decisions. Legaligence worked very closely with a US based cyber security product company for providing them the precise information. Legaligence, through its ability to provide accurate primary and secondary intelligence

Industry – Information Technology – Recruitment Fraud Investigation

  • April 23, 2021
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Recruitment Fraud Investigation ( Information Technology ) In this age, Information is Power. Organizations take tremendous efforts in safeguarding their business critical information ranging from RFP’s to new project sign ups. However, not every individual, either internal to the company or associated with the company as a third party,

Industry – Information Technology – Information Fraud Investigation

  • April 23, 2021
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Information Fraud Investigation ( Information Technology ) An Information Technology (IT) Giant used to while participating in RFP’s / RFI’s. The company was very confident of the outcomes since it had all the requisite capability & experience to meet the qualification criteria. However, for the past one year they

Employee-Vendor Nexus

  • April 23, 2021
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Information Fraud Investigation ( Media & Entertainment ) An employee-vendor nexus is a common risk in any industry. This is however a potentially high risk area in the M&E industry due to its culture of placing too much reliance on individuals (based on trust). This results in work being