Recruitment Fraud Investigation

( Information Technology )

In this age, Information is Power. Organizations take tremendous efforts in safeguarding their business critical information ranging from RFP’s to new project sign ups. However, not every individual, either internal to the company or associated with the company as a third party, understands the sensitivity towards maintaining confidentiality. 

The company was dealing with many recruitment agencies. However some of the agencies were gathering information about internal processes, specific individuals, organizational plans, new sign ups, specific technology related information, etc. The candidates, most of the time, mid level & senior level were identified, approached & interviewed, however none of the positions was closed. This led to tremendous losses of the highest magnitude.

As a Strategic Consultant to a CMMI level 5 organization in India, we carried out thorough investigation and identified a few swanky Recruitment Agencies involved in such activities. We also designed processes of verifying vendors, briefing the employees about NDA & Confidentiality Agreement content.